
Intuitive Holistic Health and Life Coach, Hatha Yoga Teacher, Reiki Healer L1 + L2, EFT Practitioner, Writer + Blogger.

Welcome to NurturePod, a place to nourish your body, your mind and your soul.

Think of NurturePod as your replenishing cocoon.Like the tired caterpillar that returns to it's cocoon for restoration and transformation to later spread it's beautiful wings and soar off into the sunset.

As a holistic health and life coach, I use a holistic approach in helping women achieve balance in their life! I truly believe in empowering individuals to take control of their health and make positive lifestyle decisions to enable them to achieve their health, energy and life goals. I love seeing how surprised my clients are when they make these amazing life changes; I’m just grateful to be the catalyst for their change.
